Amazing Skies Await

Did you know that 80 Percent of Americans can’t see the milky way anymore? And yes, pollution is to blame. Our skies are so clouded now that most people will live their entire lives without getting an untarnished look at our amazing galaxy.

The International Dark-Sky Association’s designation requires public and private lands to “possess an exceptional or distinguished quality of night sky, view of the stars and nocturnal environment". The association gave the Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve “Gold Tier” status, its highest ranking of the quality of the night sky.

Hotel Ketchum, situated in the heart of the International Dark Skies Reserve, is helping shed light on this amazing spectacle by adhering to the local outdoor lighting ordinance, working with the Idaho Conservation League to promote educational events and supplying visitors with all the essentials for a beautiful night of stargazing.

Upcoming Celestial and Lunar Events:


5: New Moon
21: Full Moon
22: Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation
28+29: Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower


4: New Moon
12+13: Perseids Meteor Shower
19: Full Moon, Blue Moon


3: New Moon
5: Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation
8: Saturn at Opposition
18: Full Moon, Supermoon, Partial Lunar Eclipse
20: Neptune at Opposition
22: September Equinox


2: New Moon, Annular Solar Eclipse
7: Draconid Meteor Shower
17: Full Moon, Supermoon
21+22: Orionid Meteor Shower Peak (up to 20 meteors per hour)


1: New Moon
4+5: Taurid Meteor Shower
15: FullMoon, Supermoon
16: Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation
17: Uranus at Opposition
17+18: Leonid Meteor Shower


1: New Moon
7: Jupiter at Opposition
13+14: Geminid Meteor Shower Peak (up to 120 meteors per hour)
15: Full Moon
21: Winter Solstice
21+22: Ursid Meteor Shower
25: Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation
30: New Moon

Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve Brochure
Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve Map